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out url icon Recercat Update: A non-parametric method for the measurement of size diversity, with emphasis on data standardization. The measurement of the size evenness Quintana Pou, Xavier ; Egozcue, Juan José ; Martínez-Abella, Omar ; López-Flores, Rocio ; Gascón Garcia, Stéphanie ; Brucet Balmaña, Sandra ; Boix Masafret, Dani
out url icon Recercat Update: A non-parametric method for the measurement of size diversity, with emphasis on data standardization. The measurement of the size evenness Quintana Pou, Xavier ; Egozcue, Juan José ; Martínez-Abella, Omar ; López-Flores, Rocio ; Gascón Garcia, Stéphanie ; Brucet Balmaña, Sandra ; Boix Masafret, Dani
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Update: A non-parametric method for the measurement of size diversity, with emphasis on data standardization. The measurement of the size evenness Quintana Pou, Xavier ; Egozcue, Juan José ; Martínez-Abella, Omar ; López-Flores, Rocio ; Gascón Garcia, Stéphanie ; Brucet Balmaña, Sandra ; Boix Masafret, Dani
doc icon DUGiDocs 2016 Update: A non-parametric method for the measurement of size diversity, with emphasis on data standardization. The measurement of the size evenness Quintana Pou, Xavier ; Egozcue, Juan José ; Martínez-Abella, Omar ; López Flores, Rocío ; Gascón Garcia, Stéphanie ; Brucet Balmaña, Sandra ; Boix Masafret, Dani

